Athletic Training Info

Kayla Bidus (Phillips), AT, ATC

Kayla has been the Certified Athletic Trainer for Romeo HeathQuest Physical Therapy and Romeo High School since January of 2017.

She has a Bachelor's in Athletic Training, with minors in Leadership and Psychology, from Central Michigan University.

To contact Kayla: (586) 281-1145 or

Follow on Twitter @Romeo_ATC for athletic training facts, summer AT Room times, and things happening in Romeo athletics.

Important Reminder: If a student-athlete is taken to the doctors at any point, FOR ANY THING, there MUST be a doctor's note given to the athletic trainer describing why the student was seen and if there are any restrictions or full clearance for activity. This is for liability and safety reasons. If there is not a note the athlete will NOT be allowed to practice or play until one is produced. We will be very strick on this moving forward, due to lack of adherence this year.  

Important Reminder: Concussions are a serious injury and will not be treated lightly. Parents & athletes must report any possible, suspected or confirmed concussions to the Athletic Trainer. Parents & students agree to the RHS concussion protocol in the pre-participation forms; which includes following the Return To Play protocol, requires a MD/DO sign off before full return is allowed, and understand the Athletic Trainer has final say over all-things concussion. 


For all items regarding the Romeo High School Athletic Training Policies please view our Handbook HERE(including concussion policies, injury reporting, information on what an athletic trainer is, plus more!)