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Spring Sports Covid Testing

3.0 years ago @ 9:16AM


Good afternoon Spring Sports Parents,

On March 19th, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services announced that students-athletes ages 13-19  could participate in spring sports, as long as teams and athletes follow certain safety measures spelled out in its latest epidemic order which include masks for certain sports and Weekly testing for our teams. Testing begins the week of April 2nd for those sports that are participating over Spring Break.


To support student athletes, their families, and our school community, our school will be offering free rapid antigen testing to eligible student athletes and staff. Your athlete will have the opportunity to receive weekly COVID-19 tests to provide an extra measure of safety during practice and competition. This will allow them to participate in spring sports. Please see the attachment for all of our RCS testing specific information


The test entails a simple swab, less than one inch into the nostril, and the individual being tested can self-swab. Individuals receive results of the test in 15 minutes. Athletes that test negative can continue with practice or competition. Anyone that tests positive will be sent home immediately to self-isolate. If an athlete can produce a negative PCR test within 48 hours of the positive antigen test and remains symptom-free, they can return to play. Athletes who have recovered from confirmed COVID-19 in the past three months and remain symptom-free may participate in athletics without testing if they can provide a letter from their doctor attesting that they fall into this category. Any athlete that has symptoms of COVID-19 at any time should stay home and not attend practice or competition.


You can choose not to participate in COVID-19 testing. However, without participating in testing, unfortunately your athlete will not be able to practice or compete in our spring sports 


If you do wish to participate in COVID-19 testing, please sign and return the attached Code of Conduct and Consent Form that are attached to this email.


COVID-19 testing is just one of many ways our school is working to help keep student athletes, coaches, and families safe from the virus. Our school is also requiring masks to be worn whenever possible, screening for symptoms before practice or play, cleaning often, capping the number of spectators at practices and competitions.


If you have additional questions about COVID-19 safety measures at our school, please let us know.  If you have additional questions about the MI Safer Sports testing program, please visit


Thank you,


Cody Smith, Director of Athletics and Student Activities